Thursday, July 15, 2010

My Lesson

So I taught for the first time last Tuesday & my lesson was God our Father... wow! I was so nervous!! The room felt really warm & I kept turning to Jenn asking "Is it hot in here?!" She smiled & said "It's just you." Overall though it went really well! Lives were touched & feelings were shared which is amazing & i couldn't ask for anything more. However, what I didn't realize is that God had a lesson planned for me through teaching my first lesson...
If He showed me anything that night it was that He will work through me if I am willing & put myself aside. When I say put myself aside I mean "if I get out of his way!". The lessons aren't about me teaching.. they're about Him working through me. Sure I can put together a lesson & show up & talk for however long but it's all EMPTY without Him being in it. It's about the same as offering you a soda & then giving you an empty can. It doesn't fulfill your needs. It just looks like it would on the outside. Are you still thirsty? Yes you are because you didn't get what you needed. I thought that was awesome!!
Another thing I was taught was that all He needs is a willing heart. I have NEVER taught anything in my life! I think the biggest lesson I have ever given was most probably teaching someone how to make a grilled cheese sandwich! I wasn't sure if I could pull the lesson off but I was sure willing to try.
The last thing I learned was that while growing in God it is normal to have "growing pains". Not everything will be comfortable because he is stretching & molding you... it's a good kind of uncomfortable & I'd do it again in a heartbeat!... In fact I am doing it again next week! :) -Laura

Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Prayer for Hopeful Choices

Dear Father,

I come to you tonight thankful for Hopeful Choices. I'm thankful for what Hopeful Choices is & will become. I believe in my heart that you have big plans for this class. I thank you for blessing CCM & trusting us to show these girls who you are. I promise to be your hands, your feet & your light as you use me for Hopeful Choices. I remained focued on & devoted to you.

Yours always,

Thursday, July 8, 2010

From the Heart

Hopeful Choices has a very special place in my heart. I love watching it grow. It's amazing to see what happens when you have so many amazing women just pouring themselves into something. The awesome part is that this is just the beginning! I believe God has big plans for Hopeful Choices & it's exciting because God never does anything half way! I will be interested to see where Hopeful Choices will be at this time next year.